About Freewind Sports Co., Ltd.
Driven by Success
As a leader in the industry, Freewind Sports Co., Ltd. has a wealth of knowledge and expertise that’s incomparable. Freewind Sports was founded in 1997 to design, develop and produce sporting goods. Among the Sporting Goods Suppliers, Freewind Sports could be an outstanding firm of sporting goods because of customers' satisfaction. Since the foundation of the company, we have gained valuable experience as a result of the devotion to innovation, safety and customer service.
As the international sporting goods suppliers, we export our products worldwide. The high quality product, competitive price, fast delivery, and our sincere services have made this brand, Freewind, to be famous and reputable in the global sporting goods suppliers market. We supply the sporting goods include nordic ice skates, roller skis, cross skates, universal bindings (patent-owner in Taiwan and China ), snow skateboard, snowboard bindings, snow goggles, sports sunglasses, helmet, carabiners and more.
Rich production experience and strict quality standards are the norm in every department of our factory. We work in cooperation with foreign enterprises to meet consumer demands by producing products that are stronger, safer, and more comfortable. We believe in our products so we offer our customers a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Freewind also welcome the companies who have interest in OEM or ODM work.
漢驛公司(Freewind Sports)成立於西元1997為模具射出專業加工廠﹐專精於模具開發設計、塑膠射出加工與製造有20餘年經驗。對於產品品質要求嚴格﹐亦能符合歐、美各國客戶及國家標準。
我們擁有自己的工廠﹐設有模具部、射出部、組裝部﹐以豐富的製造經驗及嚴格的品質控管生產。秉持做到最好﹐永續經營理念﹐ 與客戶一起成長、茁壯,共創美好未來﹐提供給客戶最優良的品質與最合理的價格及最準確的交期﹐是最具競爭力的加工廠。
各類產品組裝代工 (OEM、 ODM)
歡迎來電洽詢: 02-29956949 簡先生